He Had Time

Perry had to act like this was news to him. 'You almost got mugged? Are you okay?'

'I'm fine. Didn't even get hurt. I feel terrible though since the guy who saved me did and I couldn't even help him bandage his arm. All I had was tissues' Noelle replied. 

Of course she would. That was just like her to worry about others before herself. She had been so scared at the time too. She hadn't known he was her friend and had still worried about him. 

'I am sure he was fine. How exactly was he weird?'

'He didn't even hesitate to jump into the fray despite being up against a weapon and then seemed surprised he got hurt. Then refused medical treatment and ran off. He knew who I was too even though I had never seen him before'

Oh no. Had Perry come across as creepy? As for the first part, it was because he had not foreseen the consequences. All he had cared about was helping Noelle without thinking things through.