A Normal Human Couple

Noelle's friends were just as Perry imagined them to be in some ways and different in others. He had seen all of them on Instagram in various pictures and she had talked about them countless times. 

Her friends were like her second family. They were important to her so he had been looking forward to meeting them. 

Derek was as bad-tempered as Noelle hinted at. Becca was as friendly. Gwen was as artistic. Joy was as skillful at diffusing her friends when they bickered. 

They were all so much more complex than he imagined them to be though. He supposed it was because he only ever got an impression of them secondhand. They were more interesting in person. 

Perry might be terrible at the games and not find the things that they did funny but he was sure it was only because he had not been human long. Larry said he was developing a sense of humor. It simply was not as developed as Noelle's friends'.