Would That Make Noelle Happy?

Zander Corinth had an issue figuring out romantic love as well because he was raised to be emotionless. He loved Clarissa enough to sacrifice himself for her and loved being with her more than anything but did not realize he was IN love with her because he did not understand sexual attraction. 

Perry did not have a sense of aesthetics. He was an AI and that was very subjective. He found Gwen's art videos interesting but could not think they were pretty because he had no ability to sense such things. 

Not yet. He was sure he would get there eventually. 

He had only been human for a few months. He was doing very well considering his circumstances.

He honestly could not say if Noelle was beautiful or not. He had no way to judge such things. He liked seeing her smile but that was because it meant she was happy. There was no deeper meaning to it.