The Time Could Be Right

When the movie ended, Noelle asked Perry how he liked it. "It was interesting. I have never seen a movie like this before. And I understand what you said before about the library ladders." 

He could definitely make that happen. This apartment had multiple bedrooms. He could turn one of them into a library for her. 

The main character in the movie had been very excited when she was given a huge library. He could not make one that big—at least not yet—but any library would be better than none since Noelle did not have enough room for her books at present. 

"You've never seen any Disney movies?" she asked curiously. 

Perry shook his head. "I have not seen many movies period. I did not have the opportunity."

The only movies he had watched were when he was bored and trying to understand things Noelle liked back when he was stuck in the computer before becoming human. Since then, he had only watched movies with her.