Seeing You Is My Favorite Thing To Do

"That will be nice," Perry ended up saying. "I will be able to see you more often that way too."

Noelle flushed. "You really want to?"

"Of course. Seeing you is my favorite thing to do."

The smile she gave him was bigger than usual and she giggled slightly before stopping herself. "You really know how to flatter people, don't you?"

"I am only being honest."

"Perry…I've been trying my hardest not to say anything but I have to know…do you like me?"

What sort of question was that?! He had liked her since before they ever talked. Did she truly not know that by this point? Had he not been good enough about showing it? He was not sure if he would ever understand her thought processes. 

"I would have thought that was obvious. Have I not done enough?" Perry asked with a frown. "I can do more! Tell me what I am doing wrong and I will fix it."