I Will Always Take Good Care Of You

Like the first time this happened, Perry was not entirely sure how to respond. He did his best by copying videos he had seen online over the weekend trying to prepare himself for this happening again. He could only hope it had been sufficient. 

Noelle pulled away eventually, rather red in the face, and began talking (most likely to herself) about how she wanted to set things up in here. She went back out to the living room and began carrying over stacks of books before sorting them in a system that was incomprehensible to him. 

"How are you organizing these?" he asked curiously. "Can I help?"

"Nah, I've got it. My system is kind of weird. I organize my books alphabetically by author and from there the ordering is alphabetical for stand-alone novels and in chronological order for series. Thanks though!" 

Perry ended up plopping onto the beanbag chair and watching Noelle go. She hummed to herself frequently, clearly in a very good mood.