Don't Trust Everything You See Online

Perry could understand that to a point. He had been especially happy to see Larry again after their months without contact. 

Chloe chattered about how excited she was to see everyone for a few more minutes before turning her attention back to him. "So, Noelle says you're a programmer?"

"Yes. I do freelance jobs. I have a website."

"Cool! I don't know much about computers. I'm a forensic science major." 

"I know. Noelle has told me."

Chloe laughed. "Of course she has. She probably told you that I only got into it because of crime shows too." 


"Way to give away all of my dark secrets, Noelle."

Now it was Noelle's turn to laugh. She rolled her eyes at the same time. It was not something Perry saw her do often. "Pfft, what dark secrets? You're an open book."