There Are Certain Things I Cannot Say

Larry did not have a reason to be upset anymore. Perry was doing very well in his new life as a human with Noelle. 

He had fun doing all of the Christmassy things she had planned when she was not busy with end-of-semester work or preparing for finals. All of her friends went ice skating one day after much schedule coordination and he had been practicing his roller skating so he was not as terrible at it as Derek was. He cursed every time he fell and Mateo laughed at him until he fell too. 

Becca skated by then holding Darius's hand and said it was karma. Derek and Mateo continued to bicker until Joy broke it up. Perry had noticed that everyone seemed to listen to her. 

"She's the Mom Friend," Noelle told him later when he commented on it. "Some friends groups have those. Someone who feels responsible for the rest of the group and looks out for them. I always thought it was just her personality but when I found out she was a mom…"