
"So, you're going to meet Noelle's family, huh?" Larry asked. 

"Yes. It was her idea," Perry said happily before munching on one of the cookies they made with Becca. 

"That's a pretty big step. The two of you haven't been dating that long. Hopefully, they don't give you a hard time about it. Brianna's family never liked me much." 

Perry frowned. "What do I do if they do not like me?"

"Endure when you have to see them. They live far from here so you should be fine. I don't think that'll happen though. Who wouldn't like you? You already said her sister did so that's one person on your side already," Larry reassured him. 

This was true. Chloe did like him. She could back him up if necessary. He was most concerned about her brothers being overprotective. 

"True. I only hope it is sufficient."

"Relax, buddy. You've totally got this," Larry said with confidence as he clapped him on the shoulder.