Really Sad But Also Really Romantic

"You were the one sending all of those coupons, weren't you?" Noelle demanded. 

Perry fiddled with his hands and would not meet her eyes. "Yes. It was all I could do to help you at the time." 

She suddenly remembered how he had talked about feeling helpless unable to do anything for someone he cared about. That had a whole new meaning to it knowing he had been stuck inside a computer. 

A horrible thought hit her. "That day I was crying in the stairwell…you sent Larry, didn't you?"

"Not exactly. He could tell I was upset and asked me why. I had to tell him the truth because I cannot lie. It goes against my programming. He felt sorry for me and that is why he went. I had to tell him everything after that. I had been keeping it from him before then. 

"He felt terrible that he had created me in such a way but did not think there was anything he could do at the time. I discovered what Mr. Britton was up to and acted on my own.