I Am Not Worried

Noelle couldn't help but feel that all of this was unfair. Perry only loved her because she had such a profound impact on him early on in his life. 

What if he wanted different things as he continued to learn and grow as a person? What if he decided he didn't want her anymore? What if she stopped being a novelty one day and he decided to go for someone better? 

She chastised herself for even thinking like this. She was beginning to understand how important she was to her boyfriend as they kept talking. There was no reason for her to be insecure. 

Perry loved her. He loved her more than anyone else ever had. More than anyone else ever could. 

Noelle wanted to be with him forever. She wanted to keep watching him blossom as a human being. One of these days, she might even hear him laugh once he figured out humor. Just like Clarissa had for Zander. She had been so excited when that happened in the book.