Derek Was Right

Joy didn't admit things like this very often but Derek was right. She shouldn't have allowed a kid to move in here. Every time she saw Carter, she was reminded so forcefully of Rachel it hurt. 

They were the same age as when she lost her. There were a lot of behavioral similarities. 

But how could she have ever turned away a mother and child in need? That wasn't the sort of person she was at all. As Derek always said, she was way too self-sacrificing. 

It had been over a month since they moved in and Joy really wasn't doing well. She hoped that getting lunch with her friends would help her snap out of it but wasn't so sure it would because she would be seeing Harrison. 

She was surprised to come home from running errands before she needed to get ready to meet them and find Callie and Carter at home. And that the latter was absolutely plastered with bandages. 

  "Oh my gosh! What happened?! Is he okay?" she fretted.