You're All I've Got Left

Gwen's life was so different from Joy's. She hadn't grown up normally at all but at least she was happy now. She had a fulfilling life with the man she loved. 

Joy was happy for her. She really was! She was happy for all of her friends. But sometimes seeing them so happily married made her miss Paul so much she thought she might crack in half.

She acted more upbeat so they would stop worrying about her for the rest of the visit, asking questions in all the right places and being generally invested in what they had to say while giving minimal detail about what was going on with her. All she said was that she was still getting used to the new roommates. 

"How's Derek handling having a kid around? He's surprisingly good with Harrison but he doesn't see him very much," Becca noted. 

"Derek doesn't interact with Carter much. He'll say hi and all but that's about it."