I'm Sorry You Got Dragged Into This

Callie wasn't supposed to get used to the way things were. It was bad enough that Carter was. 

Adam was spoiling both of them in the only way he could given his physical limitations. He went out of his way to help Carter make her a Mother's Day gift and make it so she didn't have to cook and got alone time just like on her birthday. Who even did that? 

She hadn't even thought of the issue of moving out despite the six-week deadline getting closer when he brought it up. She had too many things to worry about, including his mental health. 

Would it even be okay to leave him alone when he wasn't doing well? She honestly didn't know. 

Callie didn't want to completely rob him of his pride so she phrased her request as though it would benefit her more than it would benefit him. She thought another month or so ought to do it and didn't expect him to up the ante by asking them to stay until he was done with physical therapy.