I Can't Fix That

Callie couldn't believe she was actually complaining about this. She never spoke her thoughts on the subject aloud to anyone. There had never been anyone TO speak them aloud to before now. 

Adam had been vulnerable with her before. Self-conscious as she was, if she was going to be vulnerable with anyone, he was the person to do it with. He wouldn't judge her. She was fairly certain of that. He never had before. 

"You're the world's best mom, Callie. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Nobody can do everything by themselves," he said softly. 

That felt like a huge exaggeration to her but she appreciated it all the same. "I try anyway. I love him so much and I wish that was enough but it's not. Offering to do the sort of thing dads do with their sons isn't the same as actually having one to do them with and I hate it.