This Is My Daddy

Adam was horrified when he found out how Carter came to be. He had thought it was a case of breaking up with a deadbeat boyfriend who didn't want to spring for child support but it was so much worse. 

Callie had been through so much and she was still one of the happiest, most easily satisfied people he knew. She was a fighter. A survivor. So much stronger than he could ever be. 

The reminder of the worst thing that ever happened to her was in her face every day but she still loved Carter with all her heart and did everything she could for him, even to her own detriment. Not just anyone could do that. 

Adam wished he knew how to comfort her. She was clearly miserable at the thought of Carter expressing further interest in his father but didn't want to talk about it anymore because she sort of changed the subject to thank him for being willing to go to the Donuts for Dad event.