Because He Loves You?

Adam hadn't expected Callie to celebrate him on Father's Day but supposed he should have. Especially after the logic he used for spoiling her on Mother's Day. 

It might have been because it was still so strange that he was a father at all. Though it was only on paper. 

He did the same things he did back when he was just a friend of the family they happened to be living with. The actual parenting was left to her as promised. It wasn't often that he felt like his family was real despite them sharing his last name. It was nice. 

It would probably feel more real on a regular basis if he was more actively involved in what they were doing but he couldn't be. Not if said activities involved being outside. 

Adam had never taken Carter to the park, the swimming pool, or the children's museum. He couldn't. Not without getting stared at horribly.