At Least He Wasn't Alone Anymore

Adam had higher socialization needs than Callie seemed to, which was why talking to her about more than just work meant so much to him as they became friends. She obviously appreciated being able to talk to another adult as well but he didn't think she had been as desperate for it as he had. 

Though he doubted there were many people out there who had been as desperate as him. Going from hanging out with people pretty much every day to not at all had been incredibly depressing. 

Having anyone to talk to would have been amazing but Callie had a lot of interesting things to say that he knew nothing about because her hobbies were rather unique. Talking to her had saved him from completely losing his mind. 

Adam would always owe her for that and Carter for bringing some much-needed lightness into his life. Doing things like this for them made him happy because he liked seeing them happy.

He loved them. He loved them so much!