Business Trip

As the conversation progressed, Callie couldn't help but ask the question that had been on her mind for quite a while. "Adam…are you happy?"

"As happy as I can be. Why?" he asked curiously.

That was what she thought. He should be capable of being happier than this though. He still felt down so often and she wished there was something that could be done about it. She mustered up her courage to press forward.

"Well…I've been wondering lately if you ever went to therapy for what happened," Callie confessed. 

There. It was out. She had wondered about this for quite some time but didn't say anything until now because they were sort of on the subject already and it was as good an opening as she was going to get. 

It took him a moment to answer. "I did for a while at first. I went back and forth between being catatonic and furious and it got me past that and on to depressed but semi-functional. 'Happy' was impossible until I met you guys."