I Can Fix Everything For You

Adam hugged Carter again tightly and kissed the top of his head before turning to hug Callie as well. There was a certain tinge of desperation to it that made her even more worried. He had never hugged her like this before. 

But he was gone a moment later and she was left unsettled. She wasn't the only one either. Carter had noticed something was up and his expression was troubled. 

"Mommy, is Daddy gonna be okay?"

She wished she knew. She knew she shouldn't lie but… "He's going to be fine. He just doesn't want to go on this business trip. That's all. He'll be home before we know it."

Thankfully, Carter bought it. Callie only wished she knew it was true for sure. What in the world was going on with Adam right now?

He left so suddenly and it was strange being in his house when he wasn't here. He was almost always home. The place felt oddly empty without him, even with Carter's usual noise levels. Not having him here felt wrong.