His Last Hope

Adam went to the appointment apprehensively but the doctor seemed to know what he was doing. He clucked in dismay over the state of the shoddy job that had been done already and said that things would have been much easier if Adam came to him when the initial injuries happened. 

"You will be able to fix it, won't you?!" he asked desperately. 

This was his last hope. He couldn't be let down AGAIN when Richard had filled his head with promises. 

"I will but the recovery is going to be rough. Do you have pictures of what you looked like before for reference?  I might not be able to match it exactly but—"

"Anything would be better than this as long as it's normal," Adam said fervently. 

"I understand."

All this time, he had avoided his old social media pages because it was too painful after everyone abandoned him but he pulled one up to get a picture to show the doctor. He nodded and said he would need several to be sent to him.