Because I'm An Idiot

Adam kept Carter entertained once they got home—he wanted to show off all of his birthday toys in person this time—while Callie made dinner. She didn't say much to him directly through it or for the rest of the night before putting Carter to bed and he was pretty sure it was because she was saving an explosion of questions. 

Sure enough, he was right. She rounded on him the moment she was done. 

"Were you seriously gone for two months just because you were recovering from plastic surgery?" she asked in disbelief. 

"No! I was also working myself half to death fixing a bunch of problem stores so I could get my old job back. I told you, it's a long story," Adam said apologetically. 

"I have time."

He sat down on the couch and gestured for her to join him. She did so before turning to him expectantly. Where to even start with all of this? He supposed he could start with Richard contacting him out of the blue.