No One's Going To Buy This!

Richard knew he had picked the right person when Laney agreed to his ridiculous proposal relatively easily but that was proven further by how thorough she was with having little details that would make their act more convincing. But would it be enough to convince his grandfather? 

The practice run was going on a double date with her two best friends. He knew a fair amount of information about them from the info sheet she prepared. They had all been friends for a long time and the two of them had recently gotten engaged.

If they could fool them, they could probably fool his grandfather. Though he doubted Laney's friends would be expecting any relationship of hers to be fake. 

The old coot was going to be suspicious either way. It had only been a couple of months since their little talk regarding the condition for him becoming the CEO. Laney would have to be extra convincing to make him fall for it.