He's Always Like This

To Richard's surprise, Howard smiled. "You really do love her, don't you?"

He stared at his grandfather uncomprehendingly. How in the world was sort of insulting someone indicative of love? 

"Yes," he lied. 

"Ah, Richard, this is exactly what I wanted for you. Isn't it nice having someone to come home to at the end of the day that you enjoy spending time with? There's so much more to life than work."

Richard was glad his grandfather bought the lies but there really wasn't. Having to worry about someone else was nothing more than a hindrance. 

"It's the best," he said to get the man to stop being sappy and let him get back to work. 

Which he did. But despite being freed, Richard was unsettled. Was he really going to be able to realistically make it seem like he and his wife were getting divorced without her initially being under contract and have Howard believe it when the time came?