I'm Not Above Bribery

"You don't think it's the same thing," Richard stated rather than asked. 

Laney shook her head but didn't elaborate beyond saying "no." She didn't want to get into it. Not here and not with him. 

They sat there in silence for about five minutes before he stood as if to leave. "Where are you going? They're not back yet."

"It's around the time of day you usually have a snack. What do you want?" 

He actually paid attention to that? He only saw her around this time of day when they were both at work. She hadn't realized he was paying attention since he hardly left his office. 

"Funnel cake," Laney confessed. 

Richard raised an eyebrow. "Even after my horror story earlier?"

"We passed a stand selling it earlier and it smelled really good! The story has nothing to do with it."

"Alright. I'll text you the flavor options once I'm in line."
