The Feeling Is Mutual

Laney didn't know what to do about her potential attachment issue but she realized that her pregnancy brain had made her forget to reach out to Elle Dawson all this time until she got a text from her the next day. 'Hey Laney! I know this is super short notice but I'm going to be in town this weekend to finalize buying a house. Do you want to meet for lunch and have that talk?'

How had she forgotten that she did have someone she could potentially talk to?! She must have been more out of it than she thought. 

'I would love that but I'll be busy all day Saturday. Can you do Sunday?' she sent back. 

'Of course! We can work out further details when it gets closer but do you want to plan for around noon?'

'That works. Thanks!'

'No problem!'

Laney felt relief flood through her. She might experience some degree of judgment for what she had done but it was better from a relative stranger than people who knew her well.