I Am NOT Cute

"I've never seen anyone get out that fast!" Olivia marveled. "Ordering us around totally worked!" 

Richard suddenly grimaced. "Sorry. I've been told I'm difficult to work with. I got too into it, didn't I? You were right, Laney."

"Right about what?" Greg asked curiously. 

"I thought he might like escape rooms since he's never done one before," she said with a shrug.

"THAT was never doing one before?!" 

"…my bad."

Laney patted her husband's back in a show of making him feel better. It seemed that he was genuinely concerned about upsetting her friends because that would upset her. No real harm had been done though. 

"Relax, Richard. It really wasn't so bad. And we never would have gotten out that fast without you so Olivia was right. Besides, it was cute seeing you be so focused."

That last part was solely for the benefit of those listening. It had been funny but there was nothing 'cute' about Richard Steele.