Can't Or Won't?

Laney was so upset that she didn't even notice Richard come in until he spoke up in a slightly panicked voice. "Laney? What happened? What's wrong?"

It was probably for the best that she was currently incapable of speech because she wasn't about to tell him that this was kind of his fault. She didn't want him to think that she was trying to back out of the deal. 

All she could do was continue to sob like the world was ending. Stupid hormones!

Richard sighed and sat down next to her on the couch before rather clumsily taking her into his arms and sort of rocking her back and forth muttering "don't cry, don't cry" over and over as if that would actually work. It sort of did though because a strangled laugh made it out through her sobs. He was trying so hard. 

"Why are you so upset?" he asked tiredly once she sort of calmed down, letting go of her immediately. 

Laney couldn't tell him so she looked down at her hands. "…it's nothing."