She's Beautiful, Isn't She?

The child that would ensure Richard's future was finally here and he had no idea what to do with her. She was so small. Helpless. Entirely dependent on him as soon as her mother left to live her own life. 

He had never felt so ill-equipped to deal with anything. His parents had hardly anything to do with him as a child and he turned out fine but he flashed back to the way Laney had cried so desperately because she didn't want Karina to be alone and was overwhelmed. 

He tried telling himself that it would be fine for now. He had time to figure out how to keep the promise he made solely to get Laney to calm down. 

Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, he looked over at his wife. She radiated exhaustion and misery and seeing her like that made him squirm with guilt. What was wrong with him? What did he have to feel guilty for?

Richard cleared his throat uncomfortably before saying anything. "You did well."