You're Still My Responsibility

"Interesting," Richard said, not knowing what else to say to that. 

He didn't care who the baby looked like. That was an irrelevant detail. What mattered was that Karina was healthy. 

"Anyway, I should probably get going but it was good seeing you all! Congratulations again. She's absolutely beautiful," Olivia said before squeezing her friend's hand and adding "let me know if you need anything!" on the way out. 

Laney sighed once she was gone. "Hopefully, that's the last of the visitors for today. I'm so tired."

"Sleep then," Richard told her. "You have nothing to worry about. I'll take care of whatever you need done while you're recovering." 

"Why though? It's not like my stress can hurt Karina anymore."

"You're still my responsibility, Laney. Just let me take care of you, will you?"