Ah, He Was Trying!

Laney sent the text then looked down at her daughter. Their daughter. Though she was really more Richard's daughter than Laney's. The one he had bought. 

Karina had dark hair like him but there was no telling if it would last or not. Babies' looks changed regularly in her experience. There was no way to know who she would look like this early on. 

Regardless of who she looked like, she was so beautiful. Laney's heart broke all over again looking at her. 

She had spent the last nine months of her life carrying this baby inside of her. Feeling her movements. Preparing for her birth. Now that she was actually here, it was overwhelming. 

Laney couldn't stop crying. She needed to stop crying before Richard got here!

"Why can't I stop crying?" she asked herself aloud in frustration. "This is so stupid! I swear, I never cried before I got pregnant."

"There's nothing wrong with crying," Elle said soothingly as she put a hand on Laney's shoulder.