This Isn't Up For Negotiation

To Laney's great surprise, Richard came back while Olivia was still here and told her that Lissy's dinner and homework had been taken care of. She didn't know what to say other than a simple thank you since her friend was listening.

The three of them chatted for a minute before Olivia left and Laney was relieved. Pretending when she was this physically and emotionally wrung out was too much right now. She was all visited out. 

She sighed once her friend was gone. "Hopefully, that's the last of the visitors for today. I'm so tired."

"Sleep then," Richard told her. "You have nothing to worry about. I'll take care of whatever you need done while you're recovering." 

He was reiterating what he said earlier. Why? She really didn't get it but her head was clearer now so she could formulate her mushy thoughts into words a little better so she did.

"Why though? It's not like my stress can hurt Karina anymore."