That Wasn't Your Fault

This was the most ridiculous case of 'the grass is greener on the other side' that Laney had ever heard of. And now everything was ruined. There was no going back after this. 

She wasn't sure how long they all stayed in there miserably like that but, eventually, Olivia sniffled and said that she just wanted to go home and be alone for a while. So Laney and the others were reluctantly kicked out. 

Leaving the room rather miserably, she bumped into Richard right outside. He was holding Karina and telling Lissy to be patient even though he didn't sound particularly patient himself.

"Olivia said we could go home now," she said dully. "Let's go."

"Finally! I'm starving. Can we go to Burger Barn?" 

"Sure, Lissy. Whatever you want."

Laney felt bad that they all had to sit there for so long while she was trying to be a good friend. She felt like a horrible one anyway for causing this whole mess.