I Told You, Didn't I?

Once Daniela admitted to herself that she liked Sam, it didn't take her long to realize she was actually in love with him. The way he treated her once they got into an official relationship was so wonderful that it was impossible not to fall hard and fast. 

She couldn't help but tell him that she loved him on Valentine's Day but she didn't expect him to react so strongly to it. She could admit that she got carried away as well and didn't think of the consequences until she was staring at the positive pregnancy test that Nina made her take after she had been throwing up for days. 

"Oh, Daniela," she said in dismay. "Why didn't you use protection?"

Daniela wanted to cry. She hadn't even thought of such a thing because of how inexperienced she was with relationships. She had gotten swept away in the heat of the moment and now…