Talk To Me

Daniela smiled and switched from leaning against the back of the couch to leaning against Lorena's shoulder. Her friend had a strange way of showing she cared but she relied on it more than she knew. 

"Thanks, Lorena." 

"You're welcome. So, I guess it went well. What did you end up saying?"

"Ugh, it was so embarrassing. I didn't know English for 'I'm pregnant' so I had to say 'we have baby' like an idiot. Not that he did much better. He didn't know how to say 'will you marry me' and ended up saying 'be my wife'. We're both so bad at this!" Daniela lamented.

Lorena burst into hysterical laughter. "We have baby! That's hilarious!" 

"Oh, shut up."

"Are you really going to be okay, Daniela? If you two keep having communication issues like this—" Nina cut in worriedly.