Your Dad Is Really Nice

The next morning, Luz's dad came to get her and was so happy to see her that he picked her up and spun her around, making her giggle. He called her princess too. That was a fitting nickname for her. She did say that she loved princesses before. 

He seemed surprised that Preston was coming with them but welcomed him warmly and asked him a lot of questions after making sure that he actually did have permission to leave with them. 

He was nice too. Maybe that was where Luz got it. 

Preston hadn't realized they were from New York before this but why would he? People came from all over the country to go to this school. 

Brooklyn was a few hours away from here so it made more sense that she only saw her dad on weekends instead of living with him in some ways…and less sense in others. If her dad loved her this much, why bother sending her away for school in the first place?