She Hadn't Been Forgotten

Daniela woke up alone, confused and in pain. Why couldn't she move? What was going on?

It took her a moment to remember what had happened. She had been shot! She blinked and looked around. This was obviously a hospital room so that made sense.

Where was Sam? Had he picked up Lucy from school when she couldn't? Was he totally freaking out right now? She wanted to call him but didn't have her phone. She could barely even reach for the call button. 

The nurse was shocked when she came in. "You're awake!" 

She immediately removed the ventilator so Daniela could speak. "Can you talk? What do you remember?"

Daniela's throat hurt but she managed to get the words out. "There was a gun…I fainted…where is my husband? I need to make sure he and my daughter are okay."