You'd Really Do That For Me?

For some reason, Preston seemed down when he showed up on Saturday morning. He wasn't one to show his negative feelings much but the lack of smiles made it somewhat obvious. 

"You okay, Preston?" Lucy asked in worry after a few hours of this. 

"I'm fine. Just tired."

"If you're tired, why'd you come then? You could have taken the weekend to rest."

"Because I'd rather see you than be by myself," Preston said as if it should have been obvious. She supposed it should have been. It was a lot of effort to come up here all the time. 

"Do you want to just watch movies instead of going out? You shouldn't overdo it," Lucy fretted, making him crack the first tiny smile she had seen all day. 


So that was what they did. Her parents were out on a double date with Tía Nina and Tío Hilario anyway so it wasn't like this messed up their plans too much. They hadn't had anything concrete set and she was tired from the dance last night too.