She Dreaded The Day

Another change was that Preston now came up here every weekend. He would drive up Friday night and drive back to school Sunday afternoon, crashing on their couch. 

It was strange to Daniela that everyone else in her family knew this boy so well when she had barely met him. He felt like a part of the family to the rest of them, including the Moraleses. It was yet another reminder of how much she had missed. 

He interacted with everyone so naturally over Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. It was obvious how much time he had spent with all of them. Time she hadn't.

Sam confided that Preston's mother was dead and his father had never paid him any attention so he ended up sort of adopting him since Lucy hadn't wanted him to be alone. He seemed apologetic and she had to reassure him that he had done the right thing. 

Children needed love. Her family had a lot to give.