...You've Never Noticed?

Lucy could tell that Preston was stressed about college acceptance/rejection emails solely because of how little he talked about it. He always talked less when he was stressed. But they had to have all come out by now so why hadn't he said anything about where he was going yet? Or if he had at least gotten into MIT like he wanted? 

She did her best to put that out of mind because she didn't want to be nosy. When he didn't want to talk, nothing could make him. 

So she focused on finishing her prom dress instead. She hadn't made her winter formal dress because she hadn't expected to be asked out and didn't have time on short notice.

This time, she came prepared. She hadn't told Preston this…but no one actually asked her to prom. She just wanted to go with him so she said she was taking him up on his offer. He made his own assumptions from there.