I Need You

Lucy thought about it. She had always wondered why Preston stuck with her as long as he did. Sure, she had been nice to him when he didn't have any other friends but they really didn't have much in common. 

And he had been very diligent about visiting and staying in touch after she moved back home. Just as much as her dad had been when they were apart.

Sam had done it because he loved her. Was it possible that Preston did for the same reason? Not just because he was bored not having someone to talk to without having to branch out and meet new people? That was the assumption she had been operating under all this time. 

"Preston is shy," she said slowly. 

Daniela nodded. "I figured as much. He might be the type to need a push too." 

Was that really it? He had been down around the time she went on a date with someone else to winter formal and volunteered to go with her to her next dance right after. Was it seriously because he liked her?