She Had Really Missed Him

Addison was not nearly well-rested enough to handle a twelve-hour shift. She had spent most of the day before trying to distract herself by watching TV after Jacob dropped her off. 

It had only sort of worked. Her head was still too full of thoughts and she jumped at small noises. 

She felt a tiny bit better once he got home and couldn't help but laugh when he fell asleep on the couch next to her because of the face he was making. It was oddly tempting to take a picture but she decided to be nice and not do it. 

That was the sort of thing she would do back when they were comfortable together. Which they clearly weren't now. She was so mortified that she didn't think she would ever be able to redeem herself in front of him. 

Yet he was still being so nice. Was it any wonder she had never gotten over him?