Kind Of Famous

Addison was exhausted but ended up waking up hours earlier than Jacob. He stumbled out of his room blearily around 11 AM and didn't so much as speak a word to her until he'd had his coffee. She had to stifle a laugh. That was actually pretty cute. 

"Anything else on the agenda today?" she asked curiously once he finished eating breakfast. 

"Just chores and errands. Nothing exciting."

"Do you need any help? I could do the dishes or something!" 

She really wanted to feel useful because she knew she was burdening him. He seemed surprised by the offer. "Alright. That would be great. Thanks."

Jacob ended up showing her how to work the dishwasher and where the pods were that went in it before opening up a little door in the hallway that revealed a stacked washer and dryer and getting started on his laundry. They both did various chores without talking for a while and she thought she might die of awkwardness. She had to say something!