Her Head Was A Mess

Addison was barely hanging on by a thread when she went back to work. Even with all of her distractions, the nightmares hadn't stopped. Her jumpiness wasn't as bad as it had been right after it happened but that was only on her days off. 

Being strung out when trying to relax was very different than being strung out on a twelve-hour shift when suffering from a serious lack of sleep. She was afraid she would crack sooner or later. 

What finally pushed her over the edge was when her mom called as she was getting off work and commuting back to Jacob's place and she had to act like everything was normal. 

"Hey, Addie!" her mom said cheerfully. "You've been even more radio silent than usual so I thought I'd check in."

Addison nearly burst into tears simply from hearing her voice. If she had been murdered, she never would have seen her mom or any of her family again. They would have had to come here to bury her.