What A Mess!

Gwen went into her lunch with Addison not knowing what to expect. She supposed she wanted more information to try and make sense of things so she didn't have to worry about Jacob as much. 

There was also the potential problem of whatever she found out making her worry more. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do about that. 

She wasn't just doing this because she wanted answers either. She felt bad for Addison. If she went through something similar, she was probably having a really hard time right now. Gwen hadn't felt safe for quite some time even after Victoria was locked up. That was hard. 

If she could offer some understanding to someone struggling with something she had, she wanted to do it. She had liked Addison from the start anyway…even if she did later become concerned that Jacob was being taken advantage of. 

"Hey, Gwen," she greeted once she spotted Gwen outside the restaurant they agreed to meet at. "How's it going?"