It's A Doozy

"I can understand that to an extent," Gwen said slowly. "I experienced a similar lack of trust in my own judgment but that was based on a misunderstanding that was resolved. I don't think this case is a misunderstanding…

"But after what happened with Victoria, I tried to keep busy and reminded myself that she couldn't hurt me anymore. Having Hunter there helped with the nightmares. Maybe get a big teddy bear to hug or something? I'm sorry I don't have anything better for you."

Addison blushed again before she sighed. "No, it's fine. So I basically just need to keep doing what I'm doing. How long did it take for you?"

"They went from every night to once or twice a week after a few months. It probably took about six for them to go away completely. Our situations are different though so I'm not sure if it'll be longer or shorter for you."