See You Around

Once Jacob left, he ended up texting Jessica and she was immediately onboard. She was already eighteen so she didn't even have to ask her parents for permission and began looking into plane tickets. 

That was one thing taken care of. Now he just needed to talk to Addison about it. 

She was working so he didn't get the chance until she got back. "Hey, so my cousin is coming to town next weekend and wants to crash on my couch. Do you mind going home for a few days?" 

Jacob was trying to break things gently. He figured if she could handle being alone for a weekend that she would realize she could go back home permanently. And if she couldn't, at least she wouldn't think he was trying to kick her out completely. 

"That's totally fine!" she insisted. "Which cousin?"

"Jessica. I don't think you ever met her. Her family lives in Ohio. She's a senior in high school and is considering coming to college here so she wants to do some campus tours."