She Had No One To Blame But Herself

Jacob carried on. So what if he missed Addison? He had missed her a lot more when she first dumped him and he had survived then. He would survive now too. 

There was a lot going on at work anyway. There was one particularly bizarre case involving some former Mafia trial witnesses, including a woman who had recently woken up from a more-than-ten-year coma. 

An eighteen-year-old kid had called 911 saying "ambulance, police, now" and nothing else. Jacob and Delgado arrived at the scene shortly before the ambulance did because they had been closer and saw five people passed out on the floor, one of which was wearing a gas mask and had a bloody wound on the back of his head. 

The basic gist of what happened was somewhat obvious based on traces of sleeping gas found in the room and the tube that had been used to pump it in through the front door but they didn't get the full story until the witnesses were awake and could be questioned.