Hey, We're All Scared Of Something

Rachel didn't even care that it probably looked weird at this point. She didn't let go of Gwen's hand again the rest of the time they were in the mall. She didn't participate in the actual shopping part much either, which didn't really matter because she pretty much just wore whatever her mom bought her. 

That was alright though because Gwen had plenty of opinions to offer and seemed happy to give them. Dana was able to get everything she had wanted and they went back to the Iversons' so Gwen could do her nails. 

Dana seemed pretty happy about the nail design and Rachel waited for her to say something but didn't. At least not until the next day at lunch. 

"I can see why you wanted to invite your aunt. She's cool. Younger than I thought she'd be and super pretty. But why'd you hold her hand like that? That was kind of random."

"…I get anxious in crowds. I always hold people's hands when I'm out."