She Was Trying So Hard

Joy and Derek had a wonderful honeymoon. But, as was always the case, real life was waiting for them as soon as they got back. 

The next time she saw Gwen, she asked how Rachel was when they were gone because she insisted everything was fine but she wanted to hear it from someone else. Her friend sighed. 

"There was a bit of an incident when we took her friend to the mall. She got separated from us because she tried walking around without holding anyone's hand—probably so her friend wouldn't see—and ended up crying. 

"Then she didn't care about being embarrassed anymore and held on to me the rest of the time we were out. Her friend didn't call her out on it…at least as far as I saw. It might have happened later though. I'm sorry, Joy. I should have kept a better eye on her."

Joy couldn't blame her for that. Crowds separating people happened. She knew that better than anyone.